1895 -- Booklet with four panes of six 5c stamps (Adolphe profile)

This was the first stamp booklet ever issued in the world.
1906 -- Booklet with two panes of six 5c stamps (Adolphe profile) and two panes of six 12 1/2c stamps (Adolphe face)

1930 -- Booklet with one pane of ten Michel Rodange labels

The labels in this booklet (one example is shown on the right) had no franking value.
1930 -- Booklet with two panes of ten Michel Rodange labels

The labels in this booklet had no franking value.
1930 -- Booklet with two panes of ten 10c (+5c) stamps (Prince Charles semi-postal)

1930 -- Booklet with two panes of ten 75c (+10c) stamps (Prince Charles semi-postal)

1935 -- Booklet with one pane of ten 5c stamps (Charlotte profile), one pane of ten 10c stamps (Charlotte profile), one pane of ten 35c stamps (Charlotte profile), and one pane of ten 70c stamps (Charlotte profile)

Several different colors were used for the covers: yellow, beige, gray, rose, light blue, dark blue, purple, and green.
1950 (March 21) -- Booklet with one pane of ten anti-tuberculosis labels (head of a child)

The labels in this booklet had no franking value and were sold for the benefit of the Ligue Luxembourgeoise Contre la Tuberculose. The booklet panes exist in three colors: gray green, blue (shown above), and brown red.
[Back cover of booklet.]
1986 (June 26) -- Robert Schuman booklet with one pane of one 2 F and one 10 F stamp, one pane of four 2 F stamps, and one pane of four 10 F stamps

Two different colors of booklet covers were used: blue and yellow.
1989 (September 18) -- Grand Duke Jean 25th Anniversary of Accession booklet with one pane of one 3 F and one 9 F stamp, one pane of four 3 F stamps, and one pane of four 9 F stamps

1991 (September 23) -- Posts & Telecommunications Historic Objects booklet with one pane of one 4 F stamp, and one pane of four 14 F stamps

1995 -- Grand Duke Jean booklet with two pairs of 16 F stamps

The stamps are not fastened to the booklet in any way. They have been inserted manually behind a clear plastic protective cover. This booklet sold for 60 F (face value is 64 F).
2000 -- Grand Duke Jean booklet

This booklet is similar to the previous one, but contained 66 F face value of stamps. It sold for 60 F.
1996 (March 4) -- Grand Duchess Charlotte booklet with one pane of eight 16 F stamps

This booklet sold for 120 F (face value is 128 F).
1999 -- Dice booklet with one pane of eight 16 F stamps

2000 (January 3) -- Year 2000 booklet with two blocks of four self-adhesive "A" stamps

At the time of issuance, the stamps in this booklet had a franking value of 16 F each. The booklet sold for 120 F (face value is 128 F).
2001 (May 22) -- Postal Vehicles booklet with two blocks of six self-adhesive stamps (three 3 F and three 18 F)

2002 (March 5) -- Fun Sports booklet with two blocks of six self-adhesive stamps

At the time of issuance, the stamps in this booklet had a franking value of 16 F each. The booklet sold for 120 F (face value is 128 F).
2002 (September 14) -- Nature Museum booklet with two block of four self-adhesive "A" stamps

Luxembourg Philately
Last updated on April 20, 2017.